
Friday, December 22, 2017

Our "Animated" Christmas Card

Like most moms I know, I spend a chunk of time figuring out our Christmas card.  What message do I want to send?  What should we wear?  I hope Maddie is awake.... etc etc.  Below is the Christmas card that we mailed out. 

But, I could've just sent out a simple piece of paper with a web address to summarize our family's year.  Last month, Madelyn's Hero Story was aired on WXOW.  We worked with Dustin Luecke to get footage of our family in the community.  As Madelyn's mom, I am protective of how others perceive her.  It was important to me that she didn't look sick or unresponsive.  We know all of the great things that Maddie can do, but she certainly has her moments where she'll just sleep through an event.  I had my fingers crossed that the story would show the Maddie that we know her to be.  And it did.

Merry Christmas!